结构: Simple
Abstraction: Class
状态: Incomplete
被利用可能性: unkown
The software does not properly manage a user within its environment.
Users can be assigned to the wrong group (class) of permissions resulting in unintended access rights to sensitive objects.
cwe_Nature: ChildOf cwe_CWE_ID: 284 cwe_View_ID: 1000 cwe_Ordinal: Primary
cwe_Nature: ChildOf cwe_CWE_ID: 284 cwe_View_ID: 699 cwe_Ordinal: Primary
Language: {'cwe_Class': 'Language-Independent', 'cwe_Prevalence': 'Undetermined'}
范围 | 影响 | 注释 |
Other | Varies by Context |
Maintenance The relationships between privileges, permissions, and actors (e.g. users and groups) need further refinement within the Research view. One complication is that these concepts apply to two different pillars, related to control of resources (CWE-664) and protection mechanism failures (CWE-693). Maintenance This item needs more work. Possible sub-categories include: user in wrong group, and user with insecure profile or "configuration". It also might be better expressed as a category than a weakness.
映射的分类名 | ImNode ID | Fit | Mapped Node Name |
PLOVER | User management errors |