Category-389: 错误条件、返回值、状态代码

ID: 389 Status: Incomplete


This category includes weaknesses that occur if a function does not generate the correct return/status code, or if the application does not handle all possible return/status codes that could be generated by a function. This type of problem is most often found in conditions that are rarely encountered during the normal operation of the product. Presumably, most bugs related to common conditions are found and eliminated during development and testing. In some cases, the attacker can directly control or influence the environment to trigger the rare conditions.


CWE-248 未捕获的异常
CWE-252 未加检查的返回值
CWE-253 对函数返回值的检查不正确
CWE-390 未有动作错误条件的检测
CWE-391 未经检查的错误条件
CWE-392 错误条件报告缺失
CWE-393 返回错误的状态编码
CWE-394 未预期的状态编码或返回值
CWE-395 使用NullPointerException捕捉来检测空指针解引用
CWE-396 对通用异常声明Catch语句
CWE-397 对通用异常声明Throws语句
CWE-544 标准化错误处理机制缺失
CWE-584 在最后的代码块中返回
CWE-600 Servlet中未捕获的异常
CWE-617 可达断言
CWE-636 未能安全地进行程序失效(Failing Open)
CWE-703 对异常条件检查或处理不恰当
CWE-756 定制错误页面缺失



Many researchers focus on the resultant weaknesses and do not necessarily diagnose whether a rare condition is the primary factor. However, since 2005 it seems to be reported more frequently than in the past. This subject needs more study.


REF-44 24 Deadly Sins of Software Security