Dnsmasq... CVE-2020-25681 CVE-2020-25682

8.3 AV AC AU C I A
发布: 2021-01-20
修订: 2023-11-07

![](https://images.seebug.org/1611557582002-w331s) # DNSpooq - Kaminsky attack is back! ### 7 new vulnerabilities are being disclosed in common DNS software dnsmasq,reminiscent of 2008 weaknesses in Internet DNS Architecture ## Overview- DNSpooq ### Vulnerabilities threaten DNS integrity (again) The JSOF research labs are reporting 7 vulnerabilities found in _dnsmasq_ , an open-source DNS forwarding software in common use. Dnsmasq is very popular, and we have identified approximately 40 vendors whom we believe use dnsmasq in their products, as well as major Linux distributions. The DNS protocol has a history of vulnerabilities dating back to the famous 2008 Kaminsky attack. Nevertheless, a large part of the Internet still relies on DNS as a source of integrity, in the same way it has for over a decade, and is therefore exposed to attacks that can endanger the integrity of parts of the web. ### DNSpooq The Dnspooq vulnerabilities include DNS cache poisoning vulnerabilities as well...
